Short biographical notes

From the Inside Out

Horst Uwe Warnicke was born in Packebusch in Saxonia and grew up in Düsseldorf as a so-called „refugee child“. He was initially educated at the local school, a catholic school. When Mr Lumumba from Congo was killed, the very little pupils had to pray for him. 

My mother and grandfather used to read good night stories to my brother and me. The fairy tale „The Blue Light“ inspired one of my first paintings of that period, which is reproduced here: 

From my earliest childhood I have enjoyed the captivating excitement of painting, a fascination that has continued unbroken through all the major life events – those common events that Roger Willemsen refers to as „cracks“ or „fractures“ in our human experience. 

My university studies of Art, German and Individual Psychology taught me many important lessons for my own life, experiences which I was later able to pass on to others too. I am particularly grateful to Walter Cüppers, Klaus-Hinrich Roth und Gudula List for important and enjoyable impulses during my student days. Some of the loving friendships that were formed at that time are still as strong today. 

Initially the inner urge to paint was caused by stories and tales, in later years music became important too – especially bossa nova, the daughter of samba and swing. This was also bound up with my love of travel. 

In this way paintings were created in a meditative way, as part of a desire to follow a feeling of inspiration, to discover, explore and express these inner worlds. The things that have become essential for me are: hope, sleep and laughter! And the certainty that we are only guests on this planet and that our time here is very short. 

I hope these short notes will point you in the right direction. Now I would like to invite you to join me on a journey through these visual worlds.